Over the weekend, I read an interesting Beth Snyder Bulik article in a back issue of Advertising Age magazine (3/22/10). The article features an interview with Anne Finucane, Global Strategy & Marketing Officer at Bank of America. In the interview, Finucane addresses some of the marketing challenges Bank of America faces as it emerges from the financial meltdown and recession. (This is an especially challenging time for the institution, given that the fact that it is a much larger, more diverse company than it was before the downturn.)
She says clients now, more than ever, want clarity and simplified answers to real problems. The trick is in positioning a behemoth, such as Bank of America, as an accessible, customer-friendly institution that is not afraid to start communicating a bit differently than it had before the financial meltdown. Finucane says Bank of America is fully committed and focused on applying a fresh approach across the board. “Even in a business that may seem like a commodity business, the execution, the products and the delivery are really important, and we appreciate that.”
Finucane’s timeless tips for other financial marketers ramping up for the economic recovery:
1. Create a regular dialog with your CEO and Board of Directors.
2. Stay on top of the news and where society is headed.
3. Develop talent with a mix of marketing skills and business acumen.
4. Integrate advertising and communications with public policy and social responsibility.
5. Champion your company's power to facilitate positive change.
You can read the entire article here.