TFW Co. NEVER sells, rents or leases your contact information to third parties.

The information TFW Co. collects from online forms is solely for the use of TFW Co. All information we collect is strictly confidential. We use your information for three valuable purposes:

1) To respond to your request for information

2) To send you materials about TFW Co. and the services we provide

3) To keep you apprised on the progress of your projects with TFW Co.

We DO NOT sell, share or, in any other way, provide your personal information to third parties.

If you prefer not to receive email from us in the future, simply contact us via email or phone with the address you want removed from our email list. 

Thank you.


Trish Fischer Writes Co.

3349 Monroe Ave.  #315

Rochester NY 14618

Tel 585 295 8528

EMAIL trish.fischer@tfwco.com

FAX 585 486 7827